Guidance & resources for Members

Westminster coronavirus support

YWF is working with Westminster City Council, One Westminster and the wider Westminster voluntary sector during the coronavirus outbreak. The coronavirus will have a significant impact on vulnerable people, and not just those that are at highest risk of serious infection. In tough times, the way communities step up to work together is central to how far-reaching the outcomes can be.

This information is intended to help you decide what steps you and your organisation may need to take in light of the spread of the covid-19 virus. We will use this page as our main information point for members during this time. We’ll update this information regularly as the situation evolves.

We wish to support our network as best we can. If you are concerned about your service users at risk or the functioning of your organisation, please contact us and we will do our best to signpost you to additional support/expert advice. Our phone number is 07426 217044.

To receive our regular updates and newsletters please sign up here.

COVID-19 Emergency Funding for charities and non-profits

Over 200 funders have come together to create a joint emergency fund with a single application form for charities in London. First round grants of up to £5k.

Sport England Funding

£195m package to support the sport and physical activity sector.

Arts Council Funding

£160 million in emergency funding for the creative sector


Webinar resources

YPF webinar 7 – Street Safety and Detached Work.

Keeping young people and youth workers safe and engaged.