The Young Westminster Foundation (YWF) is seeking a Programme and Engagement Manager to join the YWF team. Job title: Programme and Engagement Manager Salary: Up to £35,000 (pro rata) Contract: 1…
The Young Westminster Foundation (YWF) is seeking a Programme and Engagement Manager to join the YWF team. Job title: Programme and Engagement Manager Salary: Up to £35,000 (pro rata) Contract: 1…
The Young Westminster Foundation (YWF) is seeking a Membership Manager-Workforce Development to join the YWF team. Job title: Membership Manager-Workforce Development Salary: £30,000- £35,000 Contract: Part time (4 days per week)…
‘The Hand That Helps’ film, created with the words of young people and youth workers, to launch our Helping Hands Programme has won a second major award. The film,…
New Our City, Our Future 2023 report finds that more young people are involved in social action in Westminster and feel able to influence change locally, citing their main concerns…
Young Westminster Foundation is calling on all of Westminster’s youth organisations to support their young people in sharing their views and experiences of growing up in Westminster in 2023. YWF…
Helen shares YWF plans for the summer As schools break up for the summer and the holiday season begins, young people in Westminster are starting to think about what to…
Over 2,736 young people joined holiday programmes across the borough of Westminster, thanks to new funding made available by the Duke of Westminster’s charitable foundation, the Westminster Foundation, Westminster City Council…
Westminster City Council and Westminster Foundation to provide funding for activities and meals for children and young people during the May half term Westminster City Council and the Westminster Foundation…
On Tuesday 16th May, we held our Spring Youth Worker Forum and first ever Membership Renewal session for our members at the Abbey Centre. We welcomed those working with…
What comes to mind when you think of the Easter Holidays? We can name a few words that spring to mind, the sunny weather, a long weekend and children…
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