Activity funding available for summer 2022

By 13th June 2022Uncategorised

Additional funding is now available for Westminster-based organisations to provide activities for children and young people aged 0-25 during the Summer break. This is primarily (but not exclusively) for organisations who were not able to access HAF funding due to not meeting all the criteria (e.g. Free School meals eligibility, not meeting the 4 week provision period).

  • What is the purpose of this funding and who is it for?

There is particular concern that there is a significant group of children and young people, in the borough, who just fall short of free school meals eligibility, and the cost-of-living crisis is adding more pressure on these families specifically. This funding wishes to reach those who are struggling and are not able to afford summer provision.

The Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) is primarily aimed at pupils who are eligible for free school meals and there is limited provision for children and young people who do not meet this criteria. This fund aims to address this and to allow organisations more flexibility in how they deliver their activities (e.g. by delivering one week of activities).

  • Criteria

Providers must be a local voluntary sector organisation offering services to children and young people in Westminster.

For providers already in receipt of HAF funding, this funding may be used to fund additional places for non FSM children who may benefit from the activities on offer. However, preference will be given to organisations who have not been able to access HAF funding. Providers must ensure that funding reaches those children.

Providers must have the appropriate safeguarding procedures and policies in place. Providers can only apply for funding directly related to the delivery of this project.

  • Type of activities for young people

Sports sessions, cultural trips, arts, crafts and drama sessions, residentials, cookery sessions, personal development and educational programmes; and, health and wellbeing activities.

  • Types of activities for families (0 – 4)

Sports sessions, cultural trips, arts, crafts and drama sessions, cookery sessions, health and wellbeing activities, stay and play.

Funding for this age group will only be given to established providers who work with early years cohorts already.

  • Sessions and reach

The number of sessions is flexible but costs need to reflect this and be proportionate and demonstrate good value for money.

There is flexibility with the number of children and young people engaged but costs need to reflect this and be proportionate and demonstrate good value for money.

  • Healthy flexible food offer

The food offer can be flexible and could include:

    • Food voucher at established stores (e.g. Tesco’s; Sainsbury’s; ASDA; etc)
    • Packed lunch
    • Healthy snacks for shorter activity sessions
    • Food parcels to prepare meals at home (e.g. parcels from Kitchen Social; Felix Project; etc)
  • Monitoring and Reporting

We will ask for a short end of project report that should contain the following information:

    • Number of places created and uptake
    • The types of activities that were offered
    • The types of children and young people that were reached
    • Provide photos, stories, videos, etc
    • Colleagues from Young Westminster Foundation or the Council might visit your project during the summer

To apply for the funding please complete the following application form and a budget breakdown and return to by midday (12:00 noon) on Monday 20th June 2022.  



Decisions will be made the following week and applicants informed of decisions by 22nd June .

Please email or if you have any questions.