Virtual holiday programme for young people this February half term

By 12th February 2021Uncategorised

Young Westminster Foundation’s members have a huge range of opportunities and activities available for young people in Westminster this February half term. Get in touch directly with our members or contact us on 07426 217044 to find out more.

WESTMINSTER YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR: Open for submissions from two age groups, 11-15 and 16-25 years old. 1st prize £1,000, 2nd prize £500, 3rd prize, £250 in each age group. Entrants must be living in Westminster, or attending school in Westminster, and can submit five original photographs that really sum up what life’s like for you during Covid-19.

CITY LIONS CREATIVE HUB: City Lions’s website has a range of fun activities that can be done at home from Westminster’s most exciting creative organisations. There is something for everyone – select one thing from the list of things you enjoy to see a range of activities that match your interests.

SHORT BREAKS VIRTUAL ACTIVITIES: The Bi-Borough Short Breaks Services are providing lots of fun sessions for children and young people with disabilities to take part in during half term. Improve flexibility with yoga, chill out with story time and get creative with music and drama. Join the sessions live or watch on catch up here.

JOIN CAXTON YOUTH CLUB: Caxton Youth Club is putting on a lot of fun virtual activities for children with learning disabilities. From 15-19 February, take part in dancing, sports, virtual trips around the world and a fancy dress party!

FAMILY QUIZ NIGHT: Do you know TikTok from Twitter? Deliveroo from Discord? Join Westminster Adult Education Service for a digitally-inspired quiz aimed at 9-14 year olds and their families. You could win more than £100 worth of prizes, including Bluetooth speakers, fitness trackers and Amazon vouchers. Email to take part!

GET CLOSER TO NATURE: The Royal Parks have a week filled with spring-inspired activities to help you discover nature on your doorstep. Create a homemade bird feeder with a craft-along session, explore seed growing and try life cycle Tai Chi!

DISCOVER WITH WESTMINSTER LIBRARIES: Our Library Service has launched a weekly activity programme to get primary school children talking about books and discovering new things.There’s something for everyone including a book group and creative club!

VIRTUAL EMPLOYABILITY PROGRAMME: Mastering My Future -| 2-3 Degrees (

FREE HALF TERM LUNCH CLUB: Available to young people in Pimlico

FREE ACTIVITIES AT FOURTH FEATHERS: Online open-access youth club sessions for young people in Marylebone.

FOOTBALL, FITNESS AND ENTERTAINMENT: Pro Touch SA have a jam-packed programme for young people in the Church Street area.

ALL FOR YOUTH ACTIVITIES: The February All for Youth newsletter includes activities baking to photography, science to fancy-dress there’s something for everyone!

KEEP LONDON SAFE COVID INFORMATION CAMPAIGN: Covid-19 vaccine mythbuster packs for schools, developed in partnership with pupils and public health professionals 

EMOTIONAL WELLBEING DURING SCHOOL CLOSURES: Supporting Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing During School Closure leaflet – from the Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea Educational Psychology Consultation Service

SEND LOCAL OFFER: Local SEND provision and activities in Westminster