YWF and Young K&C launch Our City

By 29th May 2020Uncategorised


YWF together with our sister foundation, Young K&C, has developed a new interactive platform Our City, for our members to promote their organisation and specific projects. The aim is to create a one-stop-shop approach for young people looking for local support or activities. It should ultimately make youth services easier to find and access for young people across the bi-borough. The primary audience of this site will be young people themselves. The new Our City platform will engage and inform young people of local services and opportunities available in Westminster and RBKC.

In light of the current crisis and the importance of connecting to young people digitally; we wish to use the summer period to test the site and promote vital summer programmes.

Our long term aim is that the content of the site is written and created by young people themselves, for other young people.

YWF and Young K&C Members can sign up to list their organisation by visiting ourcity.org.uk/partner/register

Visit ourcity.org.uk to explore.

Watch this space in the coming weeks for lots of promotion, we’re calling out to our community to share the new site far and wide.